“If you know yourself, know your customers, 100% chance to win
If you don’t know yourself, know your customers, 50% chance to win
If you know yourself, don’t know your customers, 50% chance to win
If you don’t know yourself, don’t know your customers, 0% chance to win”

Answer some questions and we will help you to have at least 50% chance to win every sale

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My most famous quote is probably “Everyones can sell, as long as they know how to sell.”

With 28 years of real sales experience, going from a young boy to a "cold call king" and into one of the leaders of his industry, the author divides sales into 6 different methods: Hunter, Painter, Actor, Consultant, Architect and Farmer.

ABC - Awareness Before Change

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Unlocking the power of self-awareness to ignite personal transformation. Who are you? and Who are you going to be?

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This report was originally created by the author to deal with issues in Business Consultancy. The author's job is to help businesses identify sales problems and increase sales. So the author has used metaphor to show 6 different methods in selling, to help sales people identify themselves; besides, get management's expectations; thereby helping sellers convert to increase sales.
Cho Người bán

For Sellers

Unlock your sales potential. Control your selling “game”.
Cho Lãnh đạo

For Leaders

Understand your sales people better. Improve communication, create harmony, and help team members develop their individual strengths.
Cho Doanh nghiệp

For Business

Create recruitment strategies. Build a profile culture with common language. Reduce the training time and increase productivity.
Chúng tôi khác biệt

We are different

Focus on 'objective communication' for sales and awareness on 7 essential soft skills in the 21st century.

Specific applicability associated with 12 points in the sales process to build a successful sales system for Enterprises.

We don't stop at understanding, we create solutions